Vision & Values

Central Walker Church of England Primary School

A place to shine … Let light shine out of darkness and God’s light shine in our hearts 2 Corinthians ch4, v6

We are proud to be a Church School and our close links with the Church Community strengthen and enrich our Christian Vision, which lies at the heart of everything we do.

Our school will preserve and develop its religious character in accordance with the principles of the Church of England and in partnership with the Church. We aim to serve our community by providing an education of the highest quality whilst embracing the spiritual, emotional, moral and social development of all children, taking as our starting point the school’s Christian foundation.

We encourage an understanding of the meaning and significance of faith and promote Christian values through the experience we offer to all our pupils. Everyone works to enable outstanding learning and teaching – putting children at the centre of all that we do.

Christian values underpin the whole life of the whole school. Our school is a place where we learn how to love God, one another and ourselves.

Read our Vision & Values Statement in full below.

Learn about our Personal Development offer below.

Discover the NEAT Values and Vision in detail below.