Our Vision & Values
We are an inclusive Church of England primary school, acknowledging the rich, cultural diversity of our community.
Our ethos is based on the Christian strengths that we all need to lead a good and purposeful life.
We recognise that all of our children have immeasurable potential and that it is our responsibility to ensure they are given every opportunity to flourish as successful individuals.
We will endeavour to achieve this by providing an environment where all children can demonstrate a love of learning, a love of life – a place for them to thrive and shine within a Christian setting.
North East Schools a relational journey begins
As part of the whole trust relational work we partnered with Carr Manor Community School in Leeds and Newcastle local authority to develop the whole trust relational practice. We were invited to showcase our work so far with DFE to help shape the national inclusion strategy moving forward.
Central Walker Church of England Primary School
Get In Touch
Central Walker Church of England Primary School
Lancefield Avenue
0191 224 0222