SEND Team 

  • Mrs J Gleadow- SENCO and Assistant Headteacher
  • Miss V Teasdale- Assistant SENCO
  • Mrs E Damo- Early Years and KS1 Learning Support Assistant
  • Miss E Davies- KS2 Nurture Support

If you have any question about SEND, please contact the school office on 0191 2240222 or email v.teasdale@neatat.org.uk

Please find further information below regarding special educational needs provision at Central Walker.

Key documents used within school to support children with SEND: 

Our SEND policy can be found on the Policies page. 

Support for Parents and Carers

If you have any questions or queries, speak to your child’s class teacher or SENCO.  If your child has had recent assessments or a diagnosis, it is important to share this information with the SENCO. This will help the school better understand how to support your child at school.

SEN Support Plans

If your child is receiving SEN support, the SENCO will draw up a SEN support plan including yours and your child’s views. SEN support plans can also be called different names, such as a My Plan, One Plan, Individual Education Plan (IEP) or Pupil Support Plan.

The format of SEN support plans are used across all schools in Newcastle. Class teachers will work alongside the SENCO to set targets for your child. All targets should be SMART: specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time bound.

Each half term (before Parent’s Evening) you will receive a copy of your child’s support plan. Parent’s evenings and SEN reviews will be used to discuss these targets.

Helpful Websites


We have recently re-introduced the use of Makaton signs across school. Makaton is a programme which uses visual symbols and hand signs to support communication and aid speech. It is to be used alongside words. 
The ability to communicate is one of the most important skills we need in life. Supporting our pupils to communicate helps them with independence, learning, relationships and builds self-esteem.
Makaton is beneficial to all children as it helps the development of listening and attention, social skills, fine motor, friendships and confidence.
Makaton - Helpful Symbols
During Worship, we share songs using the Makaton signs. The children absolutely love singing and signing along to our favourite songs!

Why not have a go at home? Here are some links to simple signs, songs and stories using Makaton.