Our Personal Development Offer
Our Personal development offer is designed to build the knowledge, skills and behaviours that will enable our young people to stand out from the crowd.
Our young people will have experiences that go beyond the national curriculum. We aim to develop well qualified young people who have the skill set to live a happy life with choice and opportunity enabling them to have a positive impact on society.
Click each of the logos below to find out more about the NEAT Academy Trust personal development offer.
British Values
The Personal Development Programme within the NEAT family of schools incorporates a deep understanding and promotion of democracy, rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect and tolerance of other beliefs.
Personal, Social, Health & Economic (PSHE)
Personal, Social, Health and Economic education teaches pupils how to fit into their world. This is delivered through classroom teaching, assemblies, enrichment, visitors, trips, and opportunities to experience society.
Relationships & Sex Education (RSE)
NEAT pupils take part in the statutory RSE programme directed by the Department of Education. This involves acquiring information, developing skills and forming positive beliefs and attitudes. Parents have the right to wtihdraw their child from elements of the curriculum and individual schools hold RSE policies with more information regarding withdrawal.
As well as the NEAT Experience, our individual schools offfer enrichment programmes to extend a resilience of learning beyond the classroom. Pupils are able to take part in clubs, teams, visits, trips, assemblies, and other opportunities allowing them to reflect on those experiences and continue to develop imagination and creativity.
For information regarding music lessons and other services please visit: Music Partnership North
Protected Characteristics
The Equality Act states nine protected characteristics. These are taught to pupils throughout their EYFS – Year 11 journey. Pupils have an understanding and awareness of their own rights as well as those around them. Age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex and sexual orientation are discussed in an age appropriate manner during RSE, PSHE and the wider curriculum.
Religion or Belief
Marriage & Civil Partnership
Gender Reassignment
Sexual Orientation
Pregnancy & Maternity
Spiritual, Moral, Social & Cultural (SMSC)
Spiritual, moral, social and cultural opportunities are offered from EYFS through to Y11. Pupils are given the opportunity to work and socialise with others for a variety of backgrounds. We offer a range of activities including artistic, sporting and cultural experiences that enhance the mental and physical wellbeing of staff and pupils. Pupils are encouraged to understand their local area and how they can contribute to their community and further afield.
Health & Wellbeing
Health and wellbeing of staff and pupils is central to what we do. Pupils have access to support and guidance. The PSHE and RSE programmnes give pupils knowledge of issues with resilience to enable them to overcome challenges.
The careers education, information advice and guidance (CEIAG) is at the forefront of the NEAT vision and is woven throughout the EYFS – Y11 curriculum. GATSBY benchmarks support the development and progression of NEAT pupils to raise aspirations. The enhancement of employability skills and progression enables our pupils to reach their potential beyond academia.
Sustainability is taught across the curriculum. For example RE and Geography covers climate change and the impact on society, science covers the wider environmental changes and idea of how to counteract human impact. Throughout our educational programme we aim to create socially responsible global citizens that can shape a sustainable future.