Embracing Time to Talk Day 2025 at NEAT Academy Trust

Today, 6 February 2025, is Time to Talk Day, the nation’s biggest mental health conversation. This day encourages everyone to open up about mental health, fostering understanding and support.

At NEAT Academy Trust, we deeply value the well-being of our staff and students. We practice Relational Practices across all our schools and central office, emphasising the importance of genuine connections. Regular check-ins, relational circles, and dedicated engagement leads ensure that every team member’s voice is heard and valued.

In the demanding field of education, it’s vital to recognise the challenges we all face. Often, brief conversations—those five-minute chats in the staff room or corridors—can make a significant difference. Many people mask their worries and stresses; by taking the time to talk and connect, we can offer support and understanding.

As a Trust, we are committed to growing potential not just for our pupils but for our valued workforce too. We encourage everyone to take a moment today to start a conversation, listen, and share. Remember, it’s good to talk, connect, and share.

For more information on Time to Talk Day and resources to support mental health conversations, visit Time to Talk Day and Rethink Mental Illness.