Careers Week here at Central Walker CoE School

All across NEAT Academy Trust this week, we have been celebrating and recognising some of the career options available to our young people after they leave school. Here at Central Walker, things have been no different! 

Our reception and Year 1 classes had a visit from the local fire brigade to talk about what it was like to be a firefighter and the kind of skills you would need to be one! Children loved getting to see some of their equipment up close and having a go in the fire engine! 

We had some of our Nursery and Reception classes talk about some of the jobs they’d like to do when they’re older and some of them even dressed up in the kind of outfits they might wear in the future. Some of them even set about creating their own hospital to help those in need! 

Our Year 5 class took a trip to the local Aldi to find out more about the different jobs that people might do working in a shop. After getting back to school, the class discussed the different kinds of skills and training you might need to work in this kind of job. 

We also had a visit from a Nurse who spoke to Years 3 and 4 about her job and the training and qualifications about she needed for her job. We had some great questions asked by our pupils. Year 3 and 4 also met with two police officers to find out more about the kind of skills and training that goes into being a police officer. They even had the chance to try on some of their uniforms! 

On Tuesday, some of our learners took a trip over to Benfield School to attend their Careers Fair and have the chance to talk to real world employers about some of the different careers that exist in the world. Our learners spoke to a range of people in different careers like construction, engineering, and law as well as talking to universities and colleges. 

On Thursday, we had a visit from Shepherd Offshore and Royston to tell us more about their jobs. Children got a close up look at some of the equipment and parts that they use on a daily basis. It was a great opportunity to ask questions and find out more about businesses in the local area.

NEAT Academy Trust believes in the importance of growing potential within our learners and giving them the best possible opportunities for the future! We can’t wait to keep nurturing and supporting our pupils here at Central Walker to see what they achieve in the future!